
Showing posts from October, 2023

"Flute Favorite" Music Recital!

     Hello everyone! I'm back again to tell you guys all about my experience at the "Flute Favorites" music recital tonight. The recital took place from 8-9pm this evening in the Snyder Recital Hall in Presser Hall on campus. The performance was led by flutist, Dr. Erin Helgeson Torres and pianist, Dr. Stephanie Titus. The recital consisted of many different types of genres including romance, dark and eerie, and upbeat pop. The music they played ranged from many different time periods as well including the mid 1700's all the way up to modern 21st century from different classical musical composers like Bach, Hindemith, and Mouquet. Also, for each piece, Dr. Torres and Dr. Titus used different techniques for us to understand what it was like as a composer back then.       The environment in the recital hall was very welcoming and warm. There were many attendees and we were all amazed at the talent up on the stage. I was very appreciative of how Dr. Torres was able to he

Marketing with LinkedIn!

In this blog, I will discuss the different methods that individuals and businesses can market themselves on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is one of the more professional social media platforms that are being used by millions every month. LinkedIn is mainly used for professionals to connect with other professionals, businesses, and and employers. LinkedIn statistically has over 740 million active monthly users and it ranks as the #18 most popular social media platform. I am an avid user of LinkedIn because I am an upperclassmen in College, I need to start looking for internships, and potential jobs that meet the criteria that I would see myself doing. LinkedIn has been very helpful for me to discover new businesses to connect to and reach out to. There are a lot of social media platforms that have users that post fake information or have fake accounts. However, according to the book, LinkedIn is the most trusted social media platform after a recent study from Business Insider. LinkedIn gives busin

ONU Men's Soccer Set Sights Toward Post-Season Play!

          The Polar Bears are back on the hunt! After a strong performance against Muskingum on senior day, the win put them in second place in the standings as John Carroll and Otterbein both dropped points. These results from other teams were exactly what we needed. This week marks a crucial a week for us as we need to keep the pedal down and focus on 6 points against Baldwin Wallace and Marietta. If we are able to earn 6 points this week, we would put ourselves in the best spot to play in the post-season.            Tonight, we face-off against the Yellow Jackets of Baldwin Wallace. They are a mid-table team that are on the stone bubble to play in the OAC season. They are in need of as many points as possible this week to give themselves the best chance to play for the OAC title. This doesn't take away the fact that the Polar Bears need 3 points as well to put them in first place in the standings and receive a first round bye in the OAC tournament. Baldwin Wallace has lots of ta

ONU Men's Soccer Under the Cosh!

The past week has been a roller coaster of emotions. This past Saturday, ONU took on John Carroll in the biggest game of the OAC. The energy was lively heading to the game for both sides considering we beat them on their home turf last year. It's safe to say that the Blue Streaks wanted some revenge after last year. It was a rainy day at Kerscher Stadium for the game and tensions were rising leading up to kick-off. The environment of the game was extremely lively, similar to an NCAA tournament game. We knew we had to have the mentality of win or go home. The beginning whistle sounded and both teams came out flying. John Carroll struck first with a goal in the first 15 minutes of the game. However, that did not stop ONU from trying to find an equalizer in the first half. The Polar Bears were knocking on the door for the entirety of the first half but were not able to find the goal. The second half started and the pressures were rising as John Carroll punched in another goal about ha

Marketing with Pinterest!

In this blog, I will go over the main concepts that go into social media marketing on Pinterest. This social media platform was founded in 2009 by a group of three men named Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp. Pinterest itself is a network of new ideas. New ideas are known as a "pin" which can depict an image, video, or source. The cool thing about Pinterest pins, is that users can save different peoples pins to their own profiles. Pinterest is the #15 most popular social media platform with a total of 445 million active monthly users. The social media platform is mostly used by women as 76.2% of the people that use Pinterest are female.  In the marketing aspect, Pinterest is very useful for brands considering there is a wide range of people that use the platform. Pinterest is the perfect place for brands to gain a lot of traffic everyday. It's easier for brands to develop a target audience on Pinterest because there is a ton of traffic everyday and tons of new

Marketing with Snapchat

          In this blog, we will be going over the marketing capabilities of Snapchat. Snapchat is very prevalent in the teenage demographic and is continuing to grow. Snapchat is one of the leading social media platforms today with over 750 million active monthly users. The app consists of using your mobile camera to send pictures and videos to friends. Snapchat has some very cool features including stories, editing options, filters, and a snap map. Similar to Instagram stories, Snapchat stories only last for 24 hours and snaps can only last up to 10 seconds before they disappear once opened. There is a quote from the book that says, "In fact, a Snapchat survey of 19,000 people reported that Snapchat is the #1 platform where people enjoy sharing what life is actually like or even random/funny moments." Snapchat gives users the opportunities to express themselves in spontaneous ways to connect with others.            Marketing with Snapchat is also very efficient. Active month

ONU Men's Soccer Flowing with Confidence!

          The Polar Bears have been making it happen the past couple of weeks. Starting off the OAC with Mount Union, Otterbein, and Capital and walking away with seven of the nine points available. It is safe to say that the boys have started to click with each other and come away with some hard fought results. Today, ONU Men's Soccer traveled to Tiffin to face off against Heidelberg who doesn't have a great track record against OAC. However, we knew that this team wasn't going to just roll over and let us win. We knew that scoring a few goals early was going to get the job done to comfortably get the three points. As the first whistle blew, the Polar Bears scored within the first five minutes of the game with a goal by Freshman winger Colin Gottron. Once we opened the scoring, the nerves were relaxed and we were able to play some great soccer. Moving the ball around, taking shots from many different angles, and scoring in all different fashions, the boys were doing it all

ONU Men's Soccer Battles for Top of the Table!

         It's OAC time! The wait is finally over. The conference started off with #9 Mount Union. The game had tons of anticipation before the kick-off. The Polar Bears knew they were going to be tested against Mount as they headed into conference play 9-0. Although this record after the non-conference is fairly impressive, the conference games are the main fixtures that matter when competing for a conference championship and a bid to the NCAA tournament. The boys remained calm and composed and knew that even though they are undefeated, there is still opportunity to steal points from the leaders. The first whistle blew and the boys came out with a lot of energy, eager to punch in the first goal. Unfortunately, that didn't come to fruition as the Polar Bears conceded a penalty kick halfway through the first half. The score was 1-0 in favor of Mount Union heading into the break. The halftime team talk really fired the boys up to want to win this game. It didn't take long afte

Marketing with X!

         In this blog, we will uncover some of the ways to efficiently market using X. It is common knowledge that X is formally known as Twitter. Similar to Instagram, it is a social media platform that users can post images and videos that other people can see. Twitter was originally founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey with the goal of creating a messaging system similar to texting. Within a few years, the platform grew exponentially. However, Elon Musk was intrigued by the platform and wanted to own the platform himself. He did so in October 2022 and purchased Twitter for $44 billion. The change from Twitter to X was a very dramatic change and it caused a lot of confusion among users of Twitter. This caused X to completely change their brand to ensure that they kept their users.                     X is a marketing powerhouse and businesses understand that there are tons of monthly active users. There is a quote from the book that states, "In addition, 69% of X survey respondents ha